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Tracker for the TOEIC® L & R

Tracker for the TOEIC® L & R is a set of 4 practice tests for those who intend to take the TOEIC® Listening and Reading test. The tests will help students improve their test-taking skills under mock conditions and calculate an estimated result so they can then form an effective study plan.

Level: CEFR B1 – C1 | TOEIC® 350 – 900*

Number of Lessons: N/A – 4 Practice Tests

Lesson Duration: 60 mins per test

*TOEIC® is a registered trademark of the Educational Testing Service (ETS). Tracker for the TOEIC® is not endorsed or approved by ETS.

About Tracker for the TOEIC®

Tracker for the TOEIC® L & R can be used flexibly as stand-alone practice for the TOEIC® exam, as a homework supplement to face-to-face TOEIC preparation courses, or as an effective means for companies and institutions to assess language abilities.

Students can decide on the number of practice tests they think are necessary to achieve their individual goals or a company’s requirements. Use a test to quickly check English proficiency levels; or before and after a course ends; or use all four tests to practice test-taking skills.

In completing all 4 tests, students will gain a clearer understanding of their level and the areas they need to focus on in order to achieve a higher score.

Tests and analysis

Each test follows the same format and includes the same question types as the TOEIC® Listening and Reading test and includes 100 questions to be completed in a timed environment.

Students can take each test as many times as they like. The order of stand-alone questions, and the order of answers in multiple choice questions, is randomized every time a test starts, keeping the tests fresh even when retaken.

Students can be assured of an accurate result as all our tests have been developed through a comprehensive statistical analysis at both test and question level resulting in a strong correlation in the results of the test and actual TOEIC® test scores.


Tracker for the TOEIC® features:

Lesson Flow

The Tracker for the TOEIC® L & R tests follow question and format types that appear on the TOEIC® Listening and Reading test.
Students are given an outline of what to expect, and the time they have to complete the exercises.
Directions for each activity type are clearly outlined for students to follow.
A wide variety of exercise types throughout mirror the sorts of questions students will encounter in the exam.
A time indicator is shown so students can keep track of their overall test time, and the time constraints for each individual question.
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