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Practical English Starter

Practical English Starter is a general English course for beginner to elementary level learners that helps improve language skills and boost confidence. It is designed to improve overall English ability with a specific focus on grammar, speaking, listening and reading. Practical English Starter can be used across a range of devices, allowing for seamless mobile study.

Students who have completed Practical English Starter should progress to Practical English 7.

Level: CEFR A1

Number of Lessons: 56 (Digital); 48 (Blended) 

Lesson Duration: Approx. 40 mins (Digital); 60 mins (Blended)


Key Content:

Business; Everyday life; Leisure and entertainment; People and relationships; Nature and
the environment; Society; Travel and transportation

About Practical English Starter

Practical English Starter is the perfect course for beginners, or those needing to re-learn some of the very basics of English. The course includes a wide range of practical, everyday topics like introducing yourself, numbers, shopping, and transport. Those who are willing to study 2-3 hours a week over several months will see a significant improvement in their level and in international exam test scores. Each lesson offers varied content and task types, and follows a clear and proven learning cycle to build skills systematically

Building Confidence

The lessons are organized in a cyclical syllabus that allows learners to build their confidence with carefully graded reading and listening texts, moving from easy to more difficult.

Every four lessons, learners get a chance to show what they have learned in a simple role-play activity based on an everyday survival situation.

Short, focused pronunciation and speaking exercises allow learners to record their voice and focus on the stress and intonation of core vocabulary.

Students are exposed to a wide range of accents from around the English-speaking world to help prepare them for travel, or to help them progress to a pre-intermediate level of English and further study.

Building Confidence

Practical English Starter offers:

Lesson Flow

Lessons follow a systematic Study and Test cycle and are broken down into short modules. Students can begin a lesson, take a break and simply pick up where they left of.

An end-of-lesson test helps consolidate the language learned and provides an immediate benchmark of progress made.

Lesson Flow 1

Vocabulary is presented with visual and audio support, followed by short matching activities.

Lesson Flow 2

Students are given clear feedback on why an answer was right or wrong so they can monitor their own learning.

Lesson Flow 3

Practice involves using both listening and writing skills to complete a natural, everyday situational dialog

Lesson Flow 4

Vocabulary is presented with visual and audio support, followed by short matching activities.

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