English Learning Resources

Indonesian Corporate English Training for Singapore Companies

Global business is constantly evolving and companies continually strive to find new and innovative ways to stay ahead of the curve. One of the main ways how businesses achieve this goal is by leveraging language training. In particular, corporate English training has become a popular trend, as companies seek to improve their communication skills and build stronger relationships with their international colleagues and clients.
Business Speaking
Singapore is no exception to this trend. In recent years, Singapore companies have expanded into the Indonesian market, driven by the large Indonesian market and growing bilateral trade between the two countries. In order to better communicate and connect with their Indonesia-based staff, these companies have utilized corporate English training providers to improve their employees’ English skills.

One of the leading companies that is capable of meeting these needs is English Today, Indonesia’s leading provider of corporate English training. The company has been working together with the Singapore Business Federation to help Singaporean companies expand into the Indonesian market. As a part of this initiative, Singaporean companies have trained their employees in English through English Today with the aim of improving their communication skills and building stronger relationship between both countries.

Based on an interview with a Singaporean expatriate who has taken Indonesian training both in Jakarta with face to face classes and online when in Singapore, the training has had a very significant positive impact. The expatriate said that the English skills of his Indonesian staff had improved dramatically since starting the training, which has had a positive impact on communication and cooperation that he has been taking face-to-face training in Jakarta and online classes while in Singapore.

Moreover, the combination of corporate English training and language studies has proven to be an effective way to improve communication and create stronger relationship between both countries. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, it is clear that businesses need to invest in language training if they want to stay competitive and achieve success in the global marketplace.

In conclusion, the growth of corporate English training in Singapore clearly indicates the importance of language skills in the modern business world. With the help of language Institutes like English Today Online, companies can find their new and innovative ways to improve their communication skills, build stronger relationships with their international colleagues and clients, and grow their business in new and exciting markets. Whether you are a business owner, manager or employee, learning a new language and investing in corporate English training are essential. So, why don’t you take advant

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5 Pandemic Vocabularies You Need To Know

During the pandemic, schools and other public places are closed. Human activities are very limited because everything needs to be done through screens. Living through screens is not everyone’s favorite and it could kill our creativity too. 


Writing down notes and journaling can be very helpful and valuable to slaughter our boredom. Writing helps us to toss out our uneasiness and revolting sentiments. Moreover, it could upgrade our creativity too.  Sometimes, the most noteworthy thoughts are born within the middle of a crisis. Let’s utilize this time to brainstorm a few thoughts of what you’ll be able to do next for your life and express your creativity, ET Mates!


We need a break to free our head from our gadgets. But before we move away from our gadgets and start writing,  take a look at these vocabularies that are utilized more regularly during pandemics.


Remote (adjective)

We can find the word remote in job vacancies. It is written “remote jobs” or “full-time remote”. What does the word “remote” mean? The word “remote” means a place that is located far away or in a non-specific location. Therefore, remote jobs means workers can do their jobs without coming to the office physically. 


“Freelancers usually work remotely.”


Fortnite (noun)

An object such as cutlery, dish, doorknob, and other open instruments that may be contaminated with infectious organisms and serve in their transmissions are called fortnite. If we look at the etymology, the word fortnite (or fortnight) means fourteen days. From this, we can conclude that the viruses on fortnite goods  last for fourteen days.


“Use a pair of gloves to open the doorknob, it’s a fortnite.”


Contagious (adjective)

When a disease is transmissible by direct or indirect contact with an infected person, it’s called contagious. Keep in mind that the word contagious is a very strong word. In all means, a contagious disease is quickly transmissible and could be serious at the same time.


“A covid carrier should self-isolate for fourteen days because they are highly contagious.”

Contact Tracing (noun)

Contact tracing is an activity of analyzing all people that a COVID-19 carrier has come in contact with in the last two weeks.Contact tracing is the key to slowing down the spread of COVID-19 and keeping you, your family, and your community safe.


“The COVID-19 task force is in contact tracing the people who’s in touch directly with the carrier.”


Herd Immunity (noun)

Herd immunity happens when the contamination or illness lessen within the unimmunized portion as a result of immunizing an extent of the populace. In another way, it’s a population that has a great immunity so that the disease is less contagious. 


“Our society will earn herd immunity if 70% of them get vaccinated.”


Now that you’ve learned some of the words that are frequently used during pandemics, you can use them for writing, journaling, or even blogging! Try writing in English, ET Mates! Because writing in English helps you think in English and stop the translation habits. 

English Learning Tips

Tips and Tricks: How to Learn Business English Fast

What is your first thought that pops  up in your mind when someone says  “Business English”? Some (people) would think it’s all about entrepreneurship. It is not entirely wrong, ET Mates. However, it is not also entirely correct. Business English is the specific term that we use in the professional world. Moreover, it is also about manners and delivery. 


Imagine this, someone is talking to their friends and, suddenly, their client called. Would they use the same manner when they are talking to their client? If they don’t want to lose their job then the answer is no. The manner and delivery we use represent our entire company. In English, there is a fine line that keeps daily basis conversation and professional delivery separated. 


Therefore, if you want to use English to pursue a better career or reach a bigger audience and clients, you need some tips and tricks on how to learn business English fast:

Understand English Grammar 

Before learning Business  English, it is very important to understand basic grammatical rules. You don’t need to memorize all of the sixteen grammatical rules perfectly and become a linguistics master to use business English, but at least, understand (their functions and when to use) them. 

Because, in the professional world,  you are either an entrepreneur or an employee, you want to avoid errors as much as you can to maintain your credibility. You can boost your English fluency by doing simple English exercises, reading English articles, reading English subtitles, and writing! 


Enrich Your Vocabulary

Expanding your lexical range will be a great benefit for you! Not only in Business  English but also in every aspect of your life, ET Mates! When you have a large vocabulary bank inside your head that means you can express your opinion better. Furthermore, you can distinguish which word has the best diction for certain contexts. Enrich your vocabulary by memorizing one word every day! To memorize better, you can write them down in your journal or apply them in your daily conversation. 


Find a  Great Mentor

Mentoring is one of the best ways to master Business  English quicker! A great mentor will be the equivalent to a speaking partner while you  practice  your English speaking. There is nothing wrong with learning alone or trying to figure it all out by yourself, but you’ll learn faster when you  have someone who can guide you during your learning journey.  

By having a mentor, you can get cultural insights that will open your eyes that Business  English is not only about language. You can get constructive feedback that will boost your confidence too. Most importantly, sometimes, your mentor can give you unexpected situations so you can learn how to respond fast in English. 


Learning Business English could be a very long journey if you have ineffective methods. However, it is one of the (most) vital skills we should have nowadays, especially as we are competing in the globalization era. Imagine the possibilities or opportunities you can achieve if you master Business  English. Good luck, ET Mates! 

English Learning Resources

Say These To Handle Tough Questions

Imagine in the middle of your presentation someone  asked you tough questions. It is good to be  honest but never say “I don’t know” (during a presentation). You should act like you are the expert on the topic, even though as humans, we could never expert a topic fully. It is normal to make errors, what we need to do is to solve them as fast as we can. 

When questions get tough, you need to act quickly. No matter how nervous you are, do not freeze. Use these tips to face the unknown during your presentation: 


Ask Back

When you are facing a difficult question, your brain will assume that if you don’t know  the answer, then nobody knows. That assumption is not true. It is just the illusion your brain makes because you are under pressure. Good news! Somebody in the audience might know the answer . Therefore, never be shy to toss the question back to the them . 

If one of the audiences voluntarily helped you, don’t be passive. You need to listen to what they say . When they are finished, you can add your own opinion, emphasize  some points, or close  it beautifully with a conclusion. 


Call an Expert

This tip is used to answer a very specific question that is out of your hands because you are not the master of the field. For example, the answer requires some insights in digital marketing but your expertise is account executive. Yes, even though you are not an expert in the relevant field, you still need to answer the question. What a relief that you don’t have to answer directly. You can ask one of your colleagues to answer the question. 

However, we don’t want to make it obvious that we are asking for help. So first, you can give your opinion but keep it general. Then, ask the expert politely, you could say, “Martha, you are the expert of digital marketing. Do you have anything to add?” 


Make a List 

Imagine it’s a question and answer time, you said, “Does anybody have a question?” and five people raised their hands. You can make a list of questions and write  them down on the whiteboard or any media you have. While you are writing, you can think or prepare the answer. If the questions are all hard, you can ask the first two to three questions, after that announce a fifteen-minute toilet break. During the break, you can sit in a quiet place and work on the answers. 


Use the Magic Word: We’ll Get Back to You

Sometimes, questions require difficult answers with a long explanation. When you face this question, you don’t need to give the answer right here, right now. You can always say, “That’s a good question, we’ll get back to you.” Don’t stop there. Ask them to give their name and email to the event’s committee. You will get more time to give them the answer with better elaboration, the rest of the audience won’t be bored, and the questioner will get their answer.

English Learning Resources

English Is Everywhere, Let’s be Mindful

Memorizing tons of vocabulary and grammar rules is really tough sometimes. Especially, when we are busy with our daily activities and find it difficult to spare time to learn English. There’s one secret that you probably know but neglect after all this time; English is everywhere, ET Mates!

It may sound trivial, everyone knows it’s everywhere. However, are you mindful when you see a sign with English words? Are you curious about what they mean? Curiosity and mindfulness are the success factors of language learning. You have to be curious about what is being written and what is being said. Because English learning doesn’t stop when you finish a class. 

Why do we have to be mindful? Mindfulness shapes nature. Research proved that something that you do every day will become your nature. Even though you don’t even live in an English-speaking environment. It is very possible to mingle with people who speak the local language and nurturing English-speaking habits. 

So, how do we do that? We do it by making a mind-palace inside your head. Imagine your brain is a computer that doesn’t have the English language in the setting. What we need to do is input the language. Unfortunately, we don’t have the software that we can plugin and directly install. We wish! The only way of gaining English nature fast is changing your habit a little bit, starting from:


The songs you listen to 

For some people, listening to English songs can be frustrating. We understand the music, but we don’t understand the lyrics. However, English songs make you comprehend English better. In English songs, you can find a bunch of vocabulary, idioms, figurative languages, and difficult words in a very short time. 

They’re also the perfect example of English implication. If the song is sad, you’ll know sad expressions. If the song is poetic, you’ll know fascinating English expressions. Now, what English song comes to your mind? Let’s listen again, but this time, mindfully.


The movies you watch

If listening to a song is about understanding English better, watching movies can help you understand actions and situations better. All we need to do is pay close attention to the dialogue, facial expressions, and reactions. Here, at the right time, you can imply the expressions you’ve learned in the movie in real life.


The articles and books you read

Apart from language learning, by reading, you can activate lots of talent, such  as linguistic tools and empathy. So, one stone kills two birds.Not only benefits your language learning, but it also benefits your communication skills. 

Try to read more English books and articles, ET Mates. If you recognize vocabularies you haven’t learned, in the middle you cannot comprehend what you read, you can always open a dictionary or look up the internet and learn something new. 


The social media you consume

Social media is now a part of everyone’s life. Although not all of them are active on Instagram or Twitter, they have WhatsApp or an email  at least. It is essential to follow or consume relevant accounts to foster your English skills. You may want to follow educational platforms that will give you new insights, or an international influencer. On social media, you’ll get to recognize English in real life. 

Social media is like a double-edged sword; it can have both favorable and unfavorable consequences. We suggest you stop using social media to consume toxic trends. Instead, you can make a new online community to hone your English skills and enlarge your networking. Again, one stone kills two birds, ET Mates. 

Learning English doesn’t stop even when your class does. Instead of studying more, try to nurture more. Make a whole new habit and create your nature and gain excellent English skills effortlessly.

English Learning Resources

The Most Popular Word in The World; OK

We hear people use the word ‘okay’ or ‘OK’ all the time. As a matter of fact, we respond to a lot of questions with ‘OK’. Here’s a fun fact for you, ET Mates. You probably knew this already but it’s just sitting at the back of your mind: ‘OK’ is used by literally every single person around the world. Not just English speakers, but people in China, Korea, Germany, Brazil, even in France also use the same response. What makes it even more mind boggling, they all mean the same thing!

However, do you ever think about what it means? And why is it so popular? Think about it, it’s only two letters and somehow it doesn’t mean anything but it is the most repeated word. The question is: can we say that ‘OK’ is as equal as the word ‘yes’?

If you look it up online / look it up on the internet, a lot of sources claim the word ‘OK’. Some say it is from the Scottish word ‘och aye’ which means ‘yes’. The Oxford dictionary stated that it was probably an abbreviation from the 19th-century‘ oll korrect’. Also, Wikipedia proposed a list of OK etymology with more than ten languages.

So how do we know what ‘OK’ really means? And how to correctly use it? The word ‘OK’, which only stands for only two words, has a very long story. So ironic, isn’t it? It all started from a trend in the 1800s, but before we get there, let’s go back a little further to the 1700s. Bear with me.

It was spoken by someone in North Carolina, USA. They frequently used the ‘OK’ to respond to what his or her friends say. Because back then there was no Twitter nor Instagram, the word ‘OK’ was slowly spread from mouth to mouth. People in the 1700s knew it as a ‘yes’. However, back then, the word ‘OK’ was not as popular as today.

Fast forward to the 1800s, the word ‘it went viral over the social media of its time: the newspaper. One day, a big media misspell the word ‘OW’ as in ‘oll wright’ with ‘OK’. Right before society gets over it, the media announced a new nickname for a public figure named Martin Van Buren, an ‘OK’ or ‘ole kinderhook’. So since then, the usage of the word ‘OK’ has increased drastically. In the 1800s, ‘OK’ had two meanings: (1) yes and (2) Martin Van Buren.

Somehow, the guy named Martin Van Buren was forgotten and now, in the 2000s, the context of the word ‘OK’ changed. Those people who speak English as a second language, often refer to ‘OK’ as a ‘yes’. Surprise! It turned out not to be a ‘yes’. So is it a ‘no’? No, it is also not.

We use ‘OK’ nowadays to describe something in the middle of yes and no. So if you ask your friend, “how’s your day?” and they answered, “just ok.” That means their or day is not so good but also not so bad. You can apply this to any conversation, if someone asks “are you hungry?” it is safe to reply with, “No, I’m okay.” Which means you’re not full but also not hungry.

To sum up, the word ‘OK’ has a very long story and it has become the ‘word celebrity’ amongst all words. It represents culture and trends in each century. Who knows that in the next century, the usage of ‘OK’ might change by its context. Let’s assume that it’s ok.

English Learning Resources

3 Benefits Of Taking Online English Classes

3 Benefits Of Taking Online English Classes

Technology is constantly developing around us to make our life easier. Our gadgets combined with a stable internet connection are essential parts of our personal and professional lives. When we have both of these it feels like we have the whole world in our hands. By simply browsing the internet we have access to everything that we want, to all the things we want to buy, to see or even to learn. As technology improves we must develop our own skills in order to keep up with the modern expectations. The rapid developments in technology have changed the way we think about teaching English. This is now all done via Online English Learning. This opens the door of opportunity to all people to learn English without worrying about their location or their schedule. 

Learning English online is essentially very similar in style and design to the traditional face to face method. The one significant difference being that the classroom has been replaced with online meeting platforms such as Zoom or Microsoft teams. The adaptation of traditional courses to Online English Learning has actually lead to many benefits:

There are three main benefits of taking Online English Classes

1. Efficiency

By taking Online English Courses, we can be sure that we will be more efficient in many ways. Starting from the travel time, now we do not need to waste our time and energy just to attend the course at the school or language center. With Online English Classes we save time which we can use to practice more and to explore the features of online learning. We have instant access to all of the course materials any time anywhere. As long as we have our gadgets then the English language is at our fingertips. We have access to the class materials and additional materials to enable and facilitate our learning.

2. Flexibility

Taking an Online English Course means we are free to choose the schedule based on our availability. We do not need to worry about the time or the location of the course. In fact we can adapt the schedule to suit our own needs. Whenever and wherever you can find the time in your existing schedule to study. The stress and hassle of studying is a thing of the past which leaves you free to focus all of your time and energy on what is most important, studying English. Now you can chose when and where you study, you can tailor the course to suit your own personal preferences or needs.

3. Comfort

We learn best when we feel comfortable and relaxed. Taking an Online English Course means we can feel comfortable when we want to learn. We can choose the best spot for us to learn.Whether we like to study online at home in the living room, bed room or wherever that suits us best.

When we feel comfortable and relaxed, the learning process will be smooth and it is easier for us to grasp the lessons. We will find the learning process to be more relaxed and enjoyable. We will not be stressed by the learning environment or get bored of the classes. In a more comfortable surrounding we will find it easier to be our best and find the confidence we need to improve our language skills.

These are only three of the main advantages and developments to Online English Learning. Learning online has led to a more accessible and effective learning system. Now with online learning more people can study English from the comfort and convenience of their own home. Online learning gives us the freedom to look at the course materials whenever we want to and allows us to learn at our own pace. Online English learning has removed the stress and the frustration that we had to overcome when we had to travel a long distance to study in an unfamiliar place. Without these challenges we can focus all of our energy and concentration on engaging with the course materials and improving our language skills. Learning English has never been so easy.


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Is Online English Learning Effective?

Since the world was hit by the pandemic Covid-19, our life is quickly changing. Many people have to work from home due to health protocols applied by the government. Even though the pandemic has changed our lives, we are still being able to be active and productive in our working routines. Not only has the way of working had to change but also the way of studying. Many schools now conduct their classes through the online system. The learning process however is still the same; the only difference is the way it is done.

It is the same for those who want to improve their English skills. Most people find it uneasy to learn English online because they are used to conventional learning systems. People might doubt the effectiveness of learning English online. However, the online learning system has both advantages and disadvantages, but it is better to focus on the benefits it brings. We will discuss both sides so we could be sure whether the online English learning classes are effective or not.

There are some advantages of learning English through the online system. First, we can stay healthy. During this pandemic, it is really important for us not to go out if it is unnecessary. We have to keep ourselves healthy by avoiding crowds and washing our hands often. So, the only way for us to learn English is through the online system. Fortunately, now we have many online conference platform options for learning English online. The platforms such as ZOOM, Microsoft Teams and even Google Meetings can be chosen. The online conference platforms also provide us with many facilities such as screen sharing and audio sharing. We can see or display the slides to each other which is so convenient during the learning time. Therefore, online English learning classes can be as fun as the offline ones.

Second, we save more time. By attending online English classes, we can save our time since we do not need to go to the English course place. We do not need to waste our time going through the traffic jams just to reach our English course. We do not need to worry about being exhausted from commuting. We can just simply turn on our computer or laptop and attend the online English class. We can choose our own comfortable place to have the online English class. It also means that we could have more time to spend with our loved ones.

Third, we have more time to explore the materials. Since we do not need to go out, we can have more time and chances to explore the topic or materials that we get from the online English class. We can spend more time on improving our skills by exploring more throughout the internet. With the help of the internet, we can collect all the information we need. We can also browse for supplementary exercises to enhance our English skills further.

Apart from the advantages, online English learning can also have some disadvantages. First, lack of real socialisation. Although we do see our teacher’s and friends’ faces on the screen, sometimes it feels different if we see them in person. We might feel that there is distance and we can even feel bored as we do not have them to interact directly with us. This can happen because humans basically need to socialise with each other.

Next, our focus is easily interrupted. This might happen quite often due to some internal and external factors. The internal factors which come from our surroundings could be a problem. Since we attend the online English class from home, we might easily be distracted by other people at home, such as our parents, siblings, spouse, kids, etc. They do not intentionally distract us but sometimes it happens just like that. They may call us asking for something or even suddenly come into our room to check on us. It leads to the loss of our focus. Internal factors could also be when we are tempted to do our personal tasks during the session. Yes, we do attend the online English class but we do our personal tasks at the same time. Again, it may cause us to lose our focus on the lessons. Then, the external factors could also be the obstacles when we attend online English classes. An unstable internet connection is the thing that usually happens when we are having the online course or meeting. Our connection will suddenly reconnect or we acn even be signed out from the course or meeting. To anticipate this happening, we could try to subscribe to a good data plan. We should also turn our camera off during the course when our internet connection is unstable to avoid being logged out from the course or meeting. It seems inconvenient but we always need to prepare for the worst case to happen.

After discussing both advantages and disadvantages of having online English courses, we now can surely decide that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. As we could see that the disadvantages are more to the technical problems which actually can be anticipated. It depends on our actions to prevent the problems from happening. When we compare it to the advantages that we could get from learning English Course online, we can be sure that it is worth it. No matter what our learning style is, the most important thing is we should be active in improving ourselves to be better in English.

To sum up, online English learning is very effective when we know what to expect during the learning process. We should be able to anticipate the possible problems that can occur so our learning will be effective and meaningful. Thus, we should not be confused anymore because we already know that the advantages that online English learning offers, are way more than the disadvantages.

English Learning Resources

Online English Conversation Course

Are you impressed when you see other people who speak English fluently? Do you also want to be able to speak English as smooth as they? An online English conversation course can help you achieve your English learning goals.

English Today Online was created to help you realize your true potentials. We will help you get better in English with less time and maximum result compared to other English language courses and we will also ensure that you enjoy your English learning process with English Today Online.

We fully understand the frustration caused by your lack of confidence or knowledge to speak English fluently, and we fully understand the difficulty of finding a course time that suits your busy life and the amount of course fees that you need to invest to improve your English skills.

These factors motivate us to create English Today Online, an online English language course with world-class learning material, internationally qualified instructors and affordable course fees.

Our online English Conversation Course has proven to be more affordable and more time-saving compared to face to face English training and with the 80/20 reverse teaching method at English Today Online, we can provide learning outcomes that match and even exceed your expectations in time shorter.

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English online course

Nowadays English is used by 1.75 billion people – a quarter of the world’s population. And this number is increasing. By 2020, the British Council estimates that 2 billion people will speak or learn English.

Why learn English? Want to speak English easily? Looking for an English online course?

Billions of people around the world learn English – not just as a hobby – but because of economic needs English has the potential to open doors of opportunities, enlarge employment opportunities and broaden horizons in the borderless world today. English is absolutely necessary in the era of globalization and for current technological developments.
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Countries with better English skills have better income levels.

Countries that focus on combining English lessons with school curricula, starting from elementary school and even kindergarten, attract foreign investments – which means an increase in gross national income.

Some facts about learning English in the world that might surprise you:

  1. Today, the number of people learning English exceeds native speakers, with a ratio of 2: 1 worldwide.
  2. China is the largest country that uses English in their daily lives. The number of people studying English in China is at least as many as native speakers in America – more than 300 million people and still increasing.
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Current trends in learning English

Technology will increasingly be used to innovate the process of learning English

In today’s world, technology has a very important role in changing the way we do things, without exception in learning English. The use of technology for the learning process is increasing.

More and more people are choosing to learn English using online media. Every month, various new applications to support students who want to learn English easily emerge.

With an easier access, many people apply the use of technology to learn English for practical reasons – accessible anywhere and anytime. Learning English is also increasingly in demand by many people from various walks of life.

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More People are Learning English Online

Technology will increasingly be used to innovate the process of learning English In today’s world, technology has a very important role in changing the way we do things, without exception in learning English. The use of technology for the learning process is increasing. More and more people are choosing to learn English using online media. Every month, various new applications to support students who want to learn English easily emerge. With an easier access, many people apply the use of technology to learn English for practical reasons – accessible anywhere and anytime. Learning English is also increasingly in demand by many people from various walks of life.


Accessible anywhere and anytime

Flexibility is the main advantage of learning English online. You can set schedules according to your needs and the learning activities and materials are adjusted to your abilities. So you can still do your activities as usual. English Today Online Learning Platform.

Digital Media

Flexibility is the main advantage of learning English online. You can set schedules according to your needs and the learning activities and materials are adjusted to your abilities. So you can still do your activities as usual.
Interested in learning Business English?