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English online course

Nowadays English is used by 1.75 billion people – a quarter of the world’s population. And this number is increasing. By 2020, the British Council estimates that 2 billion people will speak or learn English.

Why learn English? Want to speak English easily? Looking for an English online course?

Billions of people around the world learn English – not just as a hobby – but because of economic needs English has the potential to open doors of opportunities, enlarge employment opportunities and broaden horizons in the borderless world today. English is absolutely necessary in the era of globalization and for current technological developments.
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Countries with better English skills have better income levels.

Countries that focus on combining English lessons with school curricula, starting from elementary school and even kindergarten, attract foreign investments – which means an increase in gross national income.

Some facts about learning English in the world that might surprise you:

  1. Today, the number of people learning English exceeds native speakers, with a ratio of 2: 1 worldwide.
  2. China is the largest country that uses English in their daily lives. The number of people studying English in China is at least as many as native speakers in America – more than 300 million people and still increasing.
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Current trends in learning English

Technology will increasingly be used to innovate the process of learning English

In today’s world, technology has a very important role in changing the way we do things, without exception in learning English. The use of technology for the learning process is increasing.

More and more people are choosing to learn English using online media. Every month, various new applications to support students who want to learn English easily emerge.

With an easier access, many people apply the use of technology to learn English for practical reasons – accessible anywhere and anytime. Learning English is also increasingly in demand by many people from various walks of life.

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More People are Learning English Online

Technology will increasingly be used to innovate the process of learning English In today’s world, technology has a very important role in changing the way we do things, without exception in learning English. The use of technology for the learning process is increasing. More and more people are choosing to learn English using online media. Every month, various new applications to support students who want to learn English easily emerge. With an easier access, many people apply the use of technology to learn English for practical reasons – accessible anywhere and anytime. Learning English is also increasingly in demand by many people from various walks of life.


Accessible anywhere and anytime

Flexibility is the main advantage of learning English online. You can set schedules according to your needs and the learning activities and materials are adjusted to your abilities. So you can still do your activities as usual. English Today Online Learning Platform.

Digital Media

Flexibility is the main advantage of learning English online. You can set schedules according to your needs and the learning activities and materials are adjusted to your abilities. So you can still do your activities as usual.
Interested in learning Business English?


English Today Online

English Today Online

Belajar bahasa Inggris dengan English Today! Kami memiliki Guru Profesional, kursus bahasa inggris, guru bersertifikat CELTA, dan guru native yang siap membantu Anda mencapai tujuan belajar bahasa Inggris. Mulailah hari ini dan rasakan manfaat belajar bahasa Inggris!

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